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Psychological Testing
This is an area where Arthur Lin has a great amount of experience and expertise.
People often think their ex is nuts, and a psych eval will show how crazy the person is. This is usually a wrong assumption. The most frequently used psychological test, the MMPI-2 is based on 1930’s psychological concepts and doesn’t test for narcissism, PTSD, ADHD, and other modernly recognized issues.
When a custody/visitation recommendation purports to be based on psychological testing, the raw data and any printouts need to be obtained. Most people would be surprised to learn that not only the MMPI-2 but the Rorschach (inkblot) test is subject to computerized scoring, which may have its own biases built into it. To determine whether or not a psych eval is wrong, all this information must be obtained and analyzed—and this can’t be done in the month before trial. It has to be done a sufficient time in advance.