Children With Asthma
Judges usually don’t realize how potentially dangerous asthma is and that it can be fatal. They need a presentation to educate them in this.
It’s not unusual for one parent to be very concerned about asthma treatment and for the other parent to be in complete denial, and in general in spite of facts and evidence, neither party changes their beliefs. The important thing is to educate the judge on these issues.
Asthma is a condition where it is important not just to avoid emergency room visits but in general to keep the condition well under control and ensure that the child always has an emergency inhaler. Of course, as so much of the treatment is steroids, it is important to use as little medication as will thoroughly control the asthma as possible.
Asthma is often related to allergies, and if one parent has a dusty house full of pets, and the child gets symptoms as a result, those conditions need to be addressed. It is possible that the child doesn’t make a parent aware of, say, a sinus infection until returning to the neat and tidy home—and then the other parent accuses the tidy parent of making the child sick as in Munchhausen’s by Proxy. If the reality of the child’s condition can be addressed to avoid such issues, that is preferable. If it comes to something like a Munchhausen’s issue, the important thing is to keep the focus on facts rather than on name-calling.